Setouchi Lemon, the specialty of Hiroshima, is known as output No.1 in Japan. Both lemon juice and lemon aroma oil extracted from lemon peels are made of Setouchi Lemon. Juice content is up to 20%. At the same time, acidulant and flavoring agents are not added. Lemon liqueur with natural lemon fragrance and strong lemon flavor is on the sale now. Don’t miss it!
Setouchi Brand is set up by The Inland Sea, SETOUCHI Tourism Authority to expand the popularity of the Setouchi region in order to increase the business development and tourism industry. Setouchi Brand Product is a series of products, which meet the standards made by Setouchi DMO(know about it). Lemon Rocks, 100% made of Setouchi Lemon, is one of Setouchi Brand Product. Setouchi DMO has created a platform for us, lets the world know Lemon Rocks, and lets the world know the inland sea, Setouchi too. At the same time, we will try our best to let people know about Setouchi Lemon.
Developed the own double fragrance method, lemon peel blended with lemon spirits extracted by alcohol dipping distillation method and lemon aroma oil (natural) extracted by steam distillation method.
Ingredients: lemon juice, lemon spirits, sugar, lemon aroma oil
Best mix with Soda water (1:1).
Balanced sweetness and acidity with lemon natural lemon peel aroma and straight fruit juice by double fragrance method.
●ALC. 16%
●Juice content. 20%